2 Sets of Vacant Land Sales
Click here for a map of properties for the 2 Sales both Case 2016 and Case 2016B.
Click here for a list of properties in Case 2016
Click here for a list of properties in Case 2016B
*Court Costs are subject to change. Starting bid will be the Total due/Starting Bid number. Properties are subject to removal prior to sale. Please email: TRFrable@Ashtabulacounty.us to be added to a notification list for future sales.
The properties listed have been foreclosed upon for delinquent taxes and are being offered for sale on two (2) occasions for the total amount of taxes, assessments, court costs, penalties and interest due. The dates for these vacant land sales are
1. (Case 2016 October 5 & October 19 at 9am) and
2. (Case 2016B October 12 & October 26 at 9am).
Any lots not sold at these sales will be forfeited to the State of Ohio by Court Order and remanded to the County Auditor for sale in the near future at a Forfeited Land Sale. The auction will be held in the County Courthouse Annex near the Sheriff's Office at 25 W Jefferson Street Jefferson, Ohio 44047.
Rules & Polices
The following rules and policies are established to help facilitate the auction. Any interpretation, or issue not specifically covered by these rules, will be decided by the Auditor. In order to promote professional decorum, the Auditor anticipates all persons participating in, or present at, the auction will be courteous and considerate of others.
- Attendance will be limited to seating capacity and is on a first-come basis. Seating will be reserved to registered bidders if our room becomes full. Registration will begin at 8:30 am and the auction will begin at 9:00 am or shortly thereafter. A picture ID with current residence is required to register. Once registered, bidders will be given a bid card and any other information needed.
- Parcels withdrawn from the auction, for any reason, will be announced immediately prior to the day’s sale.
- Only the registered bidder will be permitted to use the bid cards and make bids, meaning no sharing of bid cards.
- Each property will be auctioned with a starting offer at taxes and assessments owed, court costs, and fees.
- Any parcel not sold at the first auction will be offered at the second vacant land sale in that Case for the same terms. Any parcel not sold at the second vacant sale will be offered at a forfeited land sale on a date to be announced.
- All sales are “As-Is” and “Buyer Beware.” Caution is advised. Many properties have characteristics which have prevented sales in the past. The County Auditor does not give any representation regarding possession, eviction, prior inspection, scheduled demolition, health code violation, or any other matter. The County Auditor will issue an “Auditor’s Deed.” A mobile home or other structure may be present and unknown to the Auditor.
- Properties in this sale shall not be sold to any person that is delinquent on any real property taxes in the State of Ohio. Further, purchasers are prohibited from having a current ownership interest in the property being auctioned. An affidavit to that effect must be signed by the successful bidder. Further, any transfer of the property to a prior owner within the next 3 years will be referred to the County Prosecutor and may result in an immediate forfeiture of the property back to the State of Ohio.
- Fees are as follows:
- Deed fee: $45.00
- Transfer Fee: $0.50 per parcel
- Envelope and postage: $0.50 per parcel
- Recording Fee: $34.00 per deed of 2 pages, $8.00 for each additional page.
- Payment in full must be received by 3:00pm day of sale. Upon payment of a deposit of $250, the Auditor will issue a Certificate of Sale to the successful bidder.
- Deposits and payments may be made by business or personal check with prior approval of the Auditor. Otherwise they must be in cash, bank money order, or certified check, and made payable to the “Ashtabula County Treasurer.” ALL DEPOSITS AND PAYMENTS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE.
- Failure to pay the balance by 3:00pm day of sale will result in forfeiting any deposit, or payment, in full and the matter will be forwarded to the County Prosecutor for possible action. Bidding with the intent to delay the sale or hindering the Auditor from completing the sale may constitute the obstruction of official business. Persons suspected of this may be referred to the County Prosecutor as well.
- Back-up bidder’s information will be taken at the time of the sale. If the successful bidder fails to pay any balance, the back-up bidder will be offered the option to step in as if the successful bidder (for the original winning bid amount).
- The Auditor will then issue the Auditor’s Deed, have it recorded with the County Recorder, and have it delivered to the purchaser. The conveyance of the real estate by the Auditor shall extinguish all previous title and invest the purchaser with a new and perfect title that is free from all liens and encumbrances, except taxes and installments of special assessments and reassessments not due at the time of the sale, federal tax liens, and any easements and covenants running with the land. If there is a federal tax lien on the tract of land at the time of the sale, the United States is entitled to redeem the tract of land according to law.
- The purchaser becomes the legal owner at the time the Auditor delivers the deed to the County Recorder.
- NOTE FOR ROAMING SHORES PARCELS: ***Parcels located in Roaming Shores are buying into the Homeowner's Association that carries a $1,000 new member fee and future charges of membership dues and water/sewer fees. ***