

Alex Iarocci
/ Categories: Announcements

State Report Released for Weights & Measures

Weights and measures play a vital role in our everyday lives.  Our economy is intrinsically based on the monetary value placed on goods and services bought, sold and traded daily.  That monetary value is ultimately determined by an accurate system of Weights and Measures. Without this system, our orderly world would turn into chaos. 


All 88 Ohio counties have established weights and measures programs included as one of the responsibilities of the County Auditor’s Office.  The State Weights and Measures Office is obligated to advise, assist and train county and city inspectors.


While local jurisdictions are responsible for testing and inspecting commercial weighing and measuring devices such as scales, gasoline pumps, scanners etc., the state assists in the testing and inspection of vehicle scales, fuel meters (fuel oil, gasoline and LP gas) and packaged consumer goods.


Weights and Measures Inspectors investigate consumer complaints relating to inaccurate weighing and measuring devices and other miscellaneous complaints. Inspectors must be state certified by the Department of Agriculture and maintain certification by completing continuous education on an annual basis.  All test equipment must be recertified every 3 years at the ODA lab in Reynoldsburg.


A good Weights and Measures program saves the average household at least $300.00 per year. The Weights and Measures Department protects both the buyer and seller to ensure there is equity in the marketplace.  If in doubt on any weighing and measuring matter, contact the County Auditor’s Office. Ashtabula County’s certified and experienced professional is Jim Varckette who has been working in this role for 28 years. For questions, concerns, or to learn more call 440-576-3791 or email


Numbers for Ashtabula County in 2018:

  • 165 Establishments Inspected
  • 401 Scales Inspected (Large, Medium, and Small Capacity)
  • 1,366 Retail Motor Fuel Dispensers Inspected (Gas, Diesel, DEF, LPG, Tank Meters)


To see the full report, click here:



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