

GIS Education Session
Alex Iarocci
/ Categories: Announcements

GIS Education Session

The Kingsville Public Library will be hosting Ashtabula County David Thomas for their Educate and Create evening on Wednesday, October 23rd at 5:30pm. The session will consist of a presentation on Ashtabula County’s GIS (Geographic Information System) and how residents can utilize this tool.

GIS is a framework for gathering, managing, and analyzing data rooted in the science of geography. Maps of data are stored by the Auditor's Office including a host of information for Ashtabula County including location of oil wells, wetlands, roads, waterways, topography, homes, and much more. “Our GIS team is exceptional in their application of data and focus on making the tool more user-friendly”, shared Auditor Thomas. “We’re excited to be teaching the public best practices and how they can get the most out of the software.”

The Auditor's Office will present an overview of how to use Ashtabula County's state of the art GIS and will provide hands-on learning to utilize applications. RSVP’s are encouraged but not required. To learn more, residents are can visit the County Auditor’s website at or call 440-576-3783 to RSVP or learn more.

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