

Cards Now Accepted
David Thomas
/ Categories: Announcements

Cards Now Accepted


Auditor’s Office Installs Credit Card Machines


Jefferson- The Ashtabula County Auditor’s Office has entered the 20th Century! County Auditor David Thomas unveiled the newest addition to Customer Service being provided to the public, credit cards. The Auditor’s Office worked in conjunction with the County Commissioners and County Treasurer’s Office to provide this service.

“We are very excited to now have several credit card machines available for use to the public who are doing work with our office,” said Auditor Thomas.

Credit Cards are available for us for all functions of the Auditor’s Office including dog licenses, real estate transfers, vendor licenses, CAUV fees, and even taxes through the Treasurer’s Office.

There is a fee that must be passed to the consumer that the greater of $1 or 2.35% that cannot be legally paid for by the county. Certified Payments was the company chosen by the Auditor’s Office due to their lower fee structure and customer service. Thomas explained that for small transactions such as a dog license or even many property transfers, the fee is nominal but encourages folks for larger expenses to use a check or cash to save money.

Treasurer Angie Maki-Cliff began working with Certified Payments and the staff in the Treasurer’s office to bring expanded credit card services to the Treasurer’s office prior to taking office in September. Previously, credit and debit card payments could only be made online and by telephone using a third party service.

“As paying bills becomes more electronic and touchless becomes standard, I felt it important that the Treasurer’s Office stay on top of these trends,” said Treasurer Maki-Cliff.  The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI) compliant platform offered by Certified Payments supports in-person, phone, and online payments.

According to Maki-Cliff there has been a significant increase in credit card and e-check payments since the introduction of counter payments in the Treasurer’s Office.  From October 1, 2020 – December 28, 2020 there were 150 credit card payments and 60 electronic checks, during the same time period in 2021 there were 265 credit card payments and 90 electronic checks.

“No one likes to pay taxes,” stated Treasurer Maki-Cliff, “I am excited to expand options to make it easier for everyone.”

“This was quite an extensive process with the Commissioners and Treasurers office to vet credit card companies and go through the red tape making credit cards possible,” explained Auditor Thomas. “But we’re very happy to be providing this service for our customers.”

Most departments in the Ashtabula County government complex now accept credit cards for business being done at their office with some online options as well. The Auditor’s Office allows for an online purchase of dog licenses and vendors licenses while the Treasurer’s Office provides online tax payment options with credit cards.   

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