4/9 - Board of Revision Filings Lowest Since Housing Crash
The March 31st Board of Revision filing deadline has passed and the total count is 118 complaints. The beginning of the housing crash was 2007 and complaints for that tax year, filed in 2008, had been 219. The very next year was 872, the highest during the recession. Those numbers quickly dropped and are now on the low side of typical from years past.
While these are technically called “complaints,” the Auditor and staff think of the filings as an opportunity. It is a second chance to get better information about a home or building and an occasion to explain how we value property.
If anyone missed the filing deadline please consider an informal meeting later this year. We will post an interactive calendar (or you can call in) to schedule a meeting before the 2017 values are set. Usually we start in late August and hold these into late October.