

Alex Iarocci
/ Categories: Announcements

Agriculture Education Session a Success



The Jefferson Community Center was packed Tuesday night with farmers and local residents to hear a program from Ashtabula County Auditor David Thomas presented by the Ashtabula County Farm Bureau.

“We’re excited to be here and begin a relationship of communication with the Ag community,” shared David Thomas, “I certainly want to thank the Farm Bureau and all of those in attendance for taking an evening to learn about this process.”

The over 150 in attendance heard from Heather Hall, the CAUV staff member in the Auditor’s Office, and Dennis Huey, the new Real Estate Manager and career real estate appraiser. Mandy Orahood, Organization Director for the Ashtabula County Farm Bureau, introduced the Auditor’s Office and shared how the Farm Bureau is involved in the policy making process.

Presenters first discussed the CAUV program and how farmers can benefit from the large tax savings the program provides. Property owners are encouraged to contact the Auditor’s Office at 440-576-3788 to learn more and be walked through the simple application. Requirements include either 10 acres or more of commercially farmed land, woodlands with a management plan, or $2,500 or more of income.

“We do want residents to know that CAUV values are set by state mandates and cannot be altered by the Auditor’s Office,” stated David Thomas, “you unfortunately cannot appeal the values but we are always happy to help explain effects of CAUV and the program to you.”

The session ended with a discussion on Agriculture Districts and the 2020 State Mandated Revaluation. Ag Districts are a free program to join and have the same qualifications of CAUV. Benefits include protection against nuisance suits over farm operations, deferment of special assessments such as water, sewer, and electric utilities, and it allows for additional review if land is taken by eminent domain for a public purpose.

The Auditor’s office also shared that more information will be on their website regarding the 2020 Revaluation including frequently asked questions, maps, and opportunities to view values. Questions can be directed towards or 44-576-3783.

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