

Alex Iarocci
/ Categories: Announcements

Vacant Land Sale Recap

Over 30 potential buyers packed the Ashtabula County Courthouse auxiliary room for the first in a set of two Vacant Land Sales through the Ashtabula County Auditor’s Office. The sale was a big success according to County Auditor David Thomas. 117 parcels of land were up for auction at the sale on May 15th from varying parts of Ashtabula County.


Parcels are placed at this auction following years of tax delinquencies and court action. “The goal of these sales is to ensure delinquent properties, which may have thousands in back taxes not paid, are brought current and contribute to the tax rolls” shared Auditor Thomas.


Ten parcels sold at the auction for a total of $41,000 which will be going to pay back taxes and court costs. Parcels which did not sell will be auctioned again on May 29th with the starting bid of back taxes owed. Any properties remaining following that sale will be available for the Land Bank or the Ohio Department of Natural Resources to secure.


The final properties will be combined with other foreclosed parcels in the Auditor’s Forfeited Land Sale this summer. Those parcels will be sold at $100 beginning bid and include improved parcels as well.


“This was one of the most successful vacant land sales our county has held,” shared Thomas, “I would like to sincerely thank the Prosecutor’s Office staff and Treasurer’s Office staff along with my own employees for their diligent work on this sale.”


For more information on the second vacant land sale or other properties in Ashtabula County, please contact the Ashtabula County Auditor’s staff at 440-576-1437. 



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